University of New Hampshire

2000, Master of Science for Teachers in English

Connecticut College

1993, Bachelor of Arts, Cum Laude

  • Major: Child Development
  • Minor: American History


Leading Great Learning, LLC, 2014-Present

  • Work with teachers and schools around the world to facilitate great learning through a variety of topics and content.
  • Roles include: keynote speaker, presenter, consultant, coach, and author.
  • Write frequent blogs and articles.
  • Own and manage personal consulting business.
  • (Formerly Mike Anderson Consulting, LLC.)

Northeast Foundation for Children, 1999-2014

Program Developer, 2012-2014

  • Led content development for NEFC.
  • Created and helped develop many workshops including: The Responsive Classroom Course (core 4-day workshop), How to Bullyproof Your Classroom, Child Development Matters, Responding to Misbehavior, and many more.
  • Managed teams of consultants/developers.
  • Authored books, articles, and blog posts.
  • Helped lead organizational vision and direction.

Consultant, 2010-2012

  • Led many Responsive Classroom workshops in diverse settings across the United States and Canada.
  • Facilitated customized consulting to meet the needs of schools and districts.
  • Authored books, articles, and blog posts.
  • Coached and led new presenters in Responsive Classroom work.

Professional Development Specialist, 2008-2010

  • Provided professional development for consulting teachers.
  • Lead many Responsive Classroom workshops and institutes across the United States.
  • Authored print and blog articles.

Consulting Teacher, 1999-2008

  • Worked as a certified per diem consulting teacher.
  • Led Responsive Classroom workshops throughout the United States.
  • Provided customized professional development for schools.
  • Authored occasional articles.

Dondero Elementary School, 1999-2008

Classroom Teacher

  • Taught third, fourth, and fifth grades in self-contained inclusive classrooms.
  • Served as a cooperating teacher for interns and a mentor for new teachers.
  • Served in leadership roles on many committees including Aspirations, Responsive Classroom, the district report card revision committee, and others.
  • Provided in-house professional development for colleagues.

Flanders Elementary School, 1993-1999

Classroom Teacher

  • Taught fourth, and fifth grades in self-contained inclusive classrooms.
  • Served as a cooperating teacher for interns.
  • Served in leadership roles on many committees including the PTA, the social studies revision committee, and others.


Member Book. (2024) Upon its release, Rekindle Your Professional Fire was sent to more than 30,000 ASCD members.

Outstanding Educational Leader Award. (2020) Presented by NHASCD.

Bestseller. (2019) Six months after its release, What We Say and How We Say It Matter was designated as a bestseller by ASCD.

Member Book. (2019) Upon its release, What We Say and How We Say It Matter was sent to over 13,000 ASCD members.

Bronze Medal in Education. (2016) Awarded to The First Six Weeks of School-2nd Edition. Awarded by the Independent Publisher Book Awards.

Member Book. (2016) Upon its release, Learning to Choose, Choosing to Learn was sent to over 60,000 ASCD members.

Distinguished Achievement Award, Finalist. (2012) Awarded to the What Every Teacher Needs to Know series. Awarded by the Association of Education Publishers.

New Hampshire Teacher of the Year, Finalist. (2005). Awarded by the New Hampshire Department of Education.

Milken National Educator Award. (2004). Awarded by the Milken Family Foundation.

Brown/Brooks Award. (1993). Awarded to scholar athletes by Connecticut College.

Louise Lacy McGarry Award. (1993). Awarded to students for their work with young children by Connecticut College.



Selected Articles

Anderson, M. (2024, August). How teachers can set realistic goals. Edutopia.

Anderson, M. (2024, May). Creating autonomy within fidelity. Education Leadership, 81(8).

Anderson, M. (2024, January). Whole class lessons: the most efficient, least effective form of instruction. Self-published.

Anderson, M. (2023, April). 5 strategies for keeping lessons short. Self-published.

Anderson, M. and Hall, C. (2022, January). Words matter: language that fosters flexible thinking. Heinemann Blog.

Anderson, M. (2021, December). 6 intrinsic motivators to power up your teaching. Educational Leadership, 79(4), 20-25.

Anderson, M. and Davis, D. (2021, July 8). Student choice as a vehicle for diversity, equity, and inclusion. ASCD Express.

Anderson, M. (2021, June 8). Small shifts in teacher talk make a big difference. ASCD Inservice Blog.

Anderson, M. and Fillion, S. (2020, December 17). Let the games begin! Milken Educator Connections.

Anderson, M. and Novak, K. (2020, September 15). How to choose words that motivate students during online learningEdutopia.

Anderson, M. (2020, April). Your words matter: Three language shifts teachers can make to get classroom discussions flowing. Educational Leadership, 77(7), 22-26.

Anderson, M. (2020, March). Communicating with students effectively during online learning. ASCD INService.

Anderson, M. (2019, June). Avoid the “if-then” trapEducation Update, 61(6).

Anderson, M. (2018, September). Getting consistent with consequencesEducational Leadership, 76(1), 26-33.

Anderson, M. (2018, June 4). Teach social-emotional skills through literacy workshop. Lesley University Center for Reading Recovery and Literacy Collaborative.

Anderson, M. (2017, September 6). Homework: a grievable offense. Self-published.

Anderson, M. (2017, March 29). Using quick check-ins to measure student understanding: Tips for building student choice into your formative assessments. Edutopia.

Anderson, M. (2017, March 22). A little help with your homework: How to guide your students to self-differentiate their homework—without creating more work for yourself. Edutopia.

Anderson, M. (2016). Promoting a growth mindset: An activity to try. Self-published.

Anderson, M. (2016, May 3). Reclaiming teacher autonomy through choice. ASCD INService.

Anderson, M. (2015). Uncle Curmudgeon: Stop giving homework! Self-published.

Anderson, M. (2015). How (and why) I stopped saying, “I like the way you…” Self-published.

Anderson, M. (2015, October). Social-emotional learning and academics: Better together. Educational Leadership, 73(2).

Anderson, M. (2013, September 16). Healthy habits to start a career. Teach.com.

Anderson, M. (2012, October). Another one of those days: Thinking ahead about how to handle disruptions and distractions. Educational Leadership 70(2).

Anderson, M. (2011). Classroom displays: Keep the focus on student work. ASCD Express, 6(13).

Anderson, M. (2011). Quiet signals key to classroom management. ASCD Express, 6(8).

Anderson, M. (2011, November 2). The trouble with testing. Responsive Classroom Blog.

Anderson, M. (2011, August). Communicating with parents. Responsive Classroom Newsletter.

Anderson, M. (2011, August). Setting the stage for successful assemblies. Responsive Classroom Newsletter.

Anderson, M. (2011, April). The leap into fourth grade. Educational Leadership, 68(7), 32-36.

Anderson, M. (2011, April). Bring the school year to a strong finish. Responsive Classroom Newsletter.

Anderson, M. (2011, March 30). The power of positive routines. ASCD INService.

Anderson, M. (2011, January 11). Homework: An unwelcome guest. Responsive Classroom Blog.

Anderson, M. (2010, August 17). Be a well-balanced teacher: Tips for the new year. The Whole Child Blog. 

Anderson, M. and Wilson, M. B. (2010, April). Behavior challenges in the homestretch? Interactive modeling can help. Responsive Classroom Newsletter.

Anderson, M. (2009, October 21). Do you have a chatty class? Responsive Classroom Blog.

Anderson, M. (2009, August 12). Balancing act: Starting the year with community building and testing-prep. Responsive Classroom Newsletter.

Anderson, M. (2003, January). Reading violence in boys’ writing. Language Arts, 80(3).

*For a more complete archive of online articles by Mike Anderson, visit: https://leadinggreatlearning.com/category/articles/


New Possibilities: Moving from Compliance to Engagement. Keynote presentation, Manchester, New Hampshire School District, September 3, 2024.

Supporting Active and Interactive Learning in Higher Education Settings. Workshop, York County Community College, Wells, ME, August 20, 2024.

Hugging Porcupines: Build Relationships with Students Who Have Challenging Behaviors. Presentation, ASCD Conference, Washington, DC, March 23, 2024.

Words Mater. Keynote presentation, New York State Teacher Center Spring Symposium, Albany, NY, March 6, 2024.

Fired Up! Help Teachers Recover Their Swagger, Rekindle Their Professional Fire, and Refresh Their Spirit. Keynote presentation, NCCAT Conference for Curriculum Leaders, Cullowhee, NC, September 14, 2023.

Teacher Talk That Boost Student Learning and Behavior. Breakout session presentation, Cypress-Fairbanks, TX, August 14-18, 2023.

Hugging Porcupines: Build Relationships with Students Who Have Challenging Behaviors. One-day workshop, Casa Blanca Community School, Gila River Indian Community, AZ, July 27, 2023.

Tackling the Motivation Crisis. Presentation, ASCD Annual Conference, Denver, CO, April 2, 2023.

Building Meaningful Relationships with the Toughest Kids. Presentation, Center for the Improvement of Teacher Education and Schooling, BYU, Provo, UT, March 24, 2023.

Teach Social and Emotional Learning Through (not instead of) Academics. Half-Day Workshop, Council for Leaders in Alabama Schools, March 1-3, 2023.

Tackling the Motivation Crisis: Three Strategies to Help Students Become More Self-Motivated. Presentation, Learning & the Brain Conference, Boston, MA, November 20, 2022.

The Well-Balanced Educator: Taking Care of Yourself to Become the Teacher Your Students Need. Presentation, Learning & the Brain Conference, Boston, MA, November 20, 2022.

What We Say and How We Say It Matter. Keynote, Northwest Montana Reading Council Summer Literacy Conference, Kalispell, MT, August 17, 2022.

Getting Started with Reading Workshop. Weeklong Workshop (Co-Taught with Kathy Collins), Pittsfield Elementary School, Pittsfield, NH, August 8-12, 2022.

What We Say and How We Say It Matter. Onsite Workshop, Mason City Public Schools, Mason, OH, August 3, 2022.

Investing in General Educators: Designing Quality Instruction to Engage ALL Learners. Online Keynote (Co-presented with Michael McSheehan), Inclusive Education Institute, Wisconsin, July 26, 2022.

Tackling the Motivation Crisis. Two One-Day Workshops (K-6 and 7-12), Guy Fenter Education Service Cooperative, Branch, AR, July 21-22, 2022.

Embedding SEL in Daily Instruction to Improve Student Engagement and Academic Success. Online One-Day Workshop, Rehab Seminars, July 14, 2022.

Six Intrinsic Motivators to Power Up Your Teaching. Online One-Day Workshop, Rehab Seminars. May 22, 2022.

Boosting Student Motivation: Creating More Energized and Engaged Learners. Webinar: Learning & the Brain. April 30, 2022.

Tackling the Motivation Crisis: How to Activate Learning Without Behavior Charts, Pizza Parties, or Other Hard-to-Quit Incentive Systems. Presentation: ASCD Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, March 19, 2022.

Teaching Social and Emotional Learning Through Literacy Workshop. On demand presentation: 2021 Special Education Network & Inclusion Association (SENIA) Conference, Online, December 3-5, 2021.

Collegial Collaboration That’s Practical and Productive. On demand presentation: Literacy For All Conference, Online, Fall, 2021.

Tackling the Motivation Crisis. Keynote address: New Hampshire School Administrators Association Conference, Concord, NH (October 26, 2021).

Teach Social and Emotional Learning Through (not instead of) Academics. Breakout session: New Hampshire School Administrators Association Conference, Concord, NH (October 26, 2021).

Inequities Hidden in Plain View: Common School Practices that Disadvantage the Already Disadvantaged. Online breakout session: ASCD Annual Conference (June 23, 2021).

Hugging Porcupines: Build Relationships with Children Who Struggle with Challenging Behaviors. Half-day workshop for Pelham, NH paraeducators (June 23, 2021).

From Surviving to Thriving: Supporting Students Experiencing Poverty and Trauma. Two-day online workshop for Nashua, NH Title I educators. (June 21-22).

Embedding SEL in Daily Instruction to Improve Student Engagement and Academic Success. Online two-day workshop: Rehab Seminars (March 10-11, 2021).

Boosting Student Motivation. Online one-day workshop: University of New Hampshire Professional Development and Training (November 21, 2020).

Teaching Social and Emotional Learning Through Reading and Writing Workshop. Online presentation: Learning and the Brain Conference (November 7, 2020).

Moving from Motivating Students to Teaching Self-Motivation (In Schools and In Remote Learning). Online pre-conference 3-hour workshop: Learning and the Brain Conference (November 6, 2020).

What We Say and How We Say It Matter. Online presentation: Literacy for All Conference (October 27, 2020).

What We Say and How We Say It Matter. Online presentation: HighScope Indonesia Annual Conference (October 1-2, 2020).

Social and Emotional Learning: What Is It and Why Is It So Important? Keynote address: Covington, VA (August 27-28, 2020).

Design Learning with Intrinsic Motivation in Mind. Online presentation: ASCD Virtual Conference: Respond, Reimagine, Restart (July 16, 2020).

Building a Community of Writers: The First Weeks of School in a Writing Workshop. Five-day graduate level course (delivered online) through the University of New Hampshire’s Summer Literacy Institutes (July 6-10, 2020).

Moving from Extrinsic to Intrinsic Motivation in Schools. Two-day online workshop for Nashua, NH educators (June 23-24, 2020).

Boosting Motivation. Online presentation: PNW BOCES (May 7, 2020).

Effective and Respectful Discipline. One-day workshop: Baggs Elementary School, Cheyenne, WY (February 14, 2020).

The World is Changing, So Should School. Keynote: Quest for Teaching Excellence Conference, Jewish Federation of Greater Metrowest NJ, Livingston, NJ (November 5, 2019).

What We Say and How We Say It Matter. Workshop: Religious and Independent School Educators Conference, Albany, NY (November 4, 2019).

Off to a Great Start: Supporting Health and Balance in New Teachers. Keynote: Massachusetts Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Sturbridge, MA (November 1, 2019).

Collegial Coaching: Teachers Supporting Teachers. One-day workshop: German International School, Boston, MA (October 11, 2019).

The First Weeks of School. One-day workshop: UNH Professional Development and Training, Manchester, NH (August 19, 2019).

Hugging Porcupines: Developing Meaningful Relationship with our Toughest Kids. Presentation: Cypress-Fairbanks, TX (August 12-16, 2019).

Teach Social and Emotional Learning through Reading and Writing. Pre-conference Session: Learning & the Brain, New York, NY (May 3, 2019).

Teacher Talk: What We Say (And How We Say It) Matters. Presentation: ASCD Empower19, Chicago, IL (March 16, 2019).

Teach Social and Emotional Skills through Interactive Discussion Structures. Workshop: Share the Learning Conference: Nashua, NH School District (November 6, 2018).

Teacher Talk: How What We Say (And How We Say It) Impacts How Students Learn. Featured Session: Literacy for All Conference, Providence, RI (October 30, 2018).

Teach Social and Emotional Skills through Reading and Writing Workshop. Featured Session: Literacy for All Conference, Providence, RI (October 30, 2018).

Use Choice to Help Students Self-Differentiate Their Learning. Featured Session: Literacy for All Conference, Providence, RI (October 29, 2018).

The World is Changing–So Should School. Keynote: Nashua, NH Opening Day (August 27, 2018).

Teach Social-Emotional Skills through Reading and Writing Workshop. Music City SEL Conference, Nashville, TN (June 28, 2018).

Teacher Talk: What We Say (and How We Say It) Matters. Mountain Brook Learning Conference, Mountain Brook, AL (June 5, 2018).

Teacher Talk: What We Say (and How We Say It) Influences Student Learning. Presentation: ASCD Empower18, Boston, MA (March 25, 2018).

Create a Culture of Self-Motivation in Your School. Presentation: ASCD Empower18, Boston, MA (March 24, 2018).

Differentiate Student Learning through Choice. Half-day workshop: Innovation Meeting, New Hampshire Department of Education, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH (March 22, 2018).

Teach Social-Emotional Learning through Academics. One-day workshop: University of New Hampshire, Manchester, NH (January 19, 2018).

Reenergizing Ourselves and Our Teaching. Featured speaker session: Ohio School Improvement Institute, Columbus, OH (November 16, 2017).

Personalization through Structured Choice. One-day workshop: Maine ASCD, Lewiston, ME (October 23, 2017).

Social and Emotional Learning. Two-day workshop: Mirman School, Los Angeles, CA (August 23-24, 2017).

The Power and Potential of Choice. Two-day workshop: American Nicaraguan School, Managua, Nicaragua (August 8-9, 2017).

Teaching Social-Emotional Learning through Reading and Writing Workshop. Week-long 2-credit master’s degree class: University of New Hampshire Summer Literacy Institute, Durham, NH (July 24-28, 2017).

Learning to Choose, Choosing to Learn. Two-day workshop: Todd County High School, Mission, SD (June 8-9, 2017).

The Power and Potential of Choice. Keynote: Mountain Brook Learning Conference, Mountain Brook, AL (June 6, 2017).

Teaching Social and Emotional Skills through Common Core State Standards. Presentation, with Carol Davis: ASCD Empower17, Anaheim, CA (March 26, 2017).

Learning to Choose, Choosing to Learn. One-day workshop: ASCD Empower17, Anaheim, CA (March 24, 2017).

Teaching Social and Emotional Skills through Games and Activities. Workshop: Fairgrounds Elementary School, Nashua, NH (February 20, 2017).

Learning to Choose, Choosing to Learn: The Key to Student Motivation and Achievement. Presentation: The Learning and the Brain Conference. Boston, MA (November 19, 2016).

Off to a Great Start: Engaged Teachers, Engaged Students. Half-day workshop: RSU 57 Administrators Retreat. Waterboro, ME (August 15, 2016).

Learning to Choose, Choosing to Learn. Foundation session: NH Department of Education Statewide Summer Summit. Durham, NH (August 3, 2016).

Differentiation through Choice. Workshop: Dabney S. Lancaster Community College. Clifton Forge, VA (July 15-16, 2016).

The Power and Potential of Choice. Webinar: ASCD Member Benefit (May 24, 2016).

Joyful Challenge through Choice. Presentation: ASCD Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA (April 2, 2016).

Challenge through Choice in Literacy. Workshop: Western Virginia Public Education Consortium. Radford, VA (February 2, 2016).

Nurturing and Sustaining Teachers. Workshop: Western Virginia Public Education Consortium. Radford, VA (February 1, 2016).

First Weeks of School. Webinar: ERN Webinars (August 28, 2015).

First Weeks of School for Administrators. Webinar: ERN Webinars (August 19, 2015).

Social and Emotional Learning in Academic Teaching. Workshop: Dabney S. Community College. Clifton Forge, VA (August 4-5, 2015).

Becoming a More Well-Balanced Teacher. Keynote: Marquette-Alger RESA Summer Conference. Marquette, MI (June 15, 2015).

Challenge through Choice. Workshop: Marquette-Alger RESA Summer Conference. Marquette, MI (June 15-16, 2015).

Being a Well-Balanced Teacher. Keynote: Teachers Matter Conference. Cancun & Mexico City, Mexico (February 5 & 7, 2015).

Social and Emotional Learning and the Common Core State Standards. Presentation: ASCD Annual Conference. Los Angeles, CA (March 16, 2014).

Responsive Classroom and Common Core State Standards. Presentation: Responsive Classroom Leadership Conference. Cambridge, MA (November 18, 2013).

Beyond Compliance: Building True Academic Engagement. Presentation: ASCD Annual Conference. Chicago, IL (March 16, 2013).

The Well-Balanced Teacher. Webinar: Whole Child Virtual Conference (May, 2012).

Classroom Management for New Teachers. Presentation: ASCD Annual Conference. Philadelphia, PA (March 24, 2012).

The Well-Balanced Teacher. One-day workshop. El Verano Elementary School. Sonoma, CA (2011, July 3).

The Well-Balanced Teacher. Presentation: Phi Delta Kappa, Fairfield University Chapter. Fairfield, CT (April 28, 2011).

The Well-Balanced Teacher: How to Work Smarter and Stay Sane Inside the Classroom and Out. Presentation: Staff Development for Educators Conference. Manchester, NH (April 4, 2011).

The Well-Balanced Teacher: How to Work Smarter and Stay Sane Inside the Classroom and Out. Presentation: ASCD Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA (March 27, 2011).

The Language of Instruction. Workshop: Portsmouth elementary schools. Portsmouth, NH (March 21, 2008).

Teacher Language. Workshop: Child Study and Development Center, University of New Hampshire. Durham, NH (February 26, 2007).

Boys and Literacy. Presentation with Tom Newkirk and Jack Wilde: National Council of Teachers of English National Conference: Milwaukee, WI (November 18, 2000).


Teacher Talk That Matters. (2020). Created a trifold quick reference guide through ASCD to support effective teacher talk (link).

ORMS GO Member. (2019-2020). Organized a letter writing campaign to help pass the new Oyster River Middle School building project.

Whole Child Approach Advisor. (2015). Served as a team member supporting ASCD’s Whole Child Approach. ASCD. Alexandria, VA.

Whole Child Vision in Action Selection Team Member. (2011-2015). Helped select the school that received the ASCD Whole Child Vision in Action award. ASCD. Alexandria, VA.

Teacher Language Audio CD. (2010). Narrated as a model voice for an audio CD as a part of the Teacher Language Professional Development Kit. Northeast Foundation for Children. Turners Falls, MA.