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Effective and respectful management and discipline strategies enable educators to create environments where students feel safe enough to take the risks necessary for great learning. Here are some frequently-requested offerings that might help us find a good starting point for our work together:
[/custom_frame_right] Teaching Social and Emotional Skills
There are important social and emotional competencies that students need to develop to be successful in school and beyond. And yet, too often in schools, these skills are demanded but not taught (“Cooperate in your group work today!”) or taught in isolation, separate from academic work (February is Empathy month!). Through this work, teachers will learn to identify the social and emotional skills their students need to be successful and develop a repertoire of practical strategies for teaching them as a part of the regular instructional day. Some specific topics might include:
- What is social and emotional learning?
- Identifying SEL skills needed for success
- Developmentally appropriate practice
- Specific strategies to teach SEL skills (modeling, role play, activities, etc.)
- School climate and culture
- Respectful discipline[custom_button text=”Contact Mike” title=”Contact Mike” url=”https://leadinggreatlearning.com/contact-mike-anderson/” size=”medium” bg_color=”#094AD6″ text_color=”#FFFFFF” align=”right” target=”_blank”]
- Effective teacher language
[/custom_frame_right] Supporting Students with Challenging Behaviors
One disruptive student can bring all teaching and learning to a halt, and in many classrooms, there are several (or more!) students with such challenges. Teachers who are already under incredible pressure to deliver an unrealistic amount of content in too little time feel overwhelmed with students who melt down, refuse to do work, and disrupt others. Teachers need practical strategies and supports. To be clear, this work isn’t about quick-fixes or silver-bullet cures. It’s about building teachers’ and students’ skills sets to set everyone up for long-term growth. Some key topics may include:
- Using logical and natural consequences to set firm and respectful limits
- Using supportive strategies such as class meetings, student-teacher conferences, role-play and more
- Teaching positive behaviors and skills to set students up for success
- Decreasing power struggles and building positive relationships[custom_button text=”Contact Mike” title=”Contact Mike” url=”https://leadinggreatlearning.com/contact-mike-anderson/” size=”medium” bg_color=”#094AD6″ text_color=”#FFFFFF” align=”right” target=”_blank”]
- School-wide protocols and supports for students who need out-of-classroom support
[/custom_frame_right] Off to a Great Start
As the author of The First Six Weeks of School, you can bet that I have plenty of ideas for how to get the school year off to a positive beginning! Just as the foundation of a building provides the solid base on which the rest of the building depends, so too, the beginning of the school year is the foundation of the school year. Whether you teach self-contained first grade, high school science, or music across all grade levels, there are a few key ideas about the beginning of the school year that we might explore together, including:
- Teaching the routines needed to support independent learning
- Teaching positive discipline
- Blending social, emotional, and academic learning early in the year
- Building positive relationships with students
- Developing strong and supportive communities of learners[custom_button text=”Contact Mike” title=”Contact Mike” url=”https://leadinggreatlearning.com/contact-mike-anderson/” size=”medium” bg_color=”#094AD6″ text_color=”#FFFFFF” align=”right” target=”_blank”]
- Creating healthy habits to start the year
[/custom_frame_right] Effective Teacher Language
The language we use with students impacts every aspect of school, and is perhaps the single most important strategy we have as educators. It sets the tone of any school environment: academic lessons and activities, hallways, the cafeteria, the playground, whole school assemblies, one-on-one coaching sessions, and more. It’s not surprising that this is the topic I end up consulting about the most, either as a school-wide focus or as an embedded topic in other professional development. Here are just a few of the topics that emerge most often:
- Helping students develop a growth mindset
- Using clear, firm, and respectful language to set limits
- Rethinking praise–offering more thoughtful and purposeful positive feedback
- Language that boosts student ownership of learning[custom_button text=”Contact Mike” title=”Contact Mike” url=”https://leadinggreatlearning.com/contact-mike-anderson/” size=”medium” bg_color=”#094AD6″ text_color=”#FFFFFF” align=”right” target=”_blank”]
- Strategies for changing language patterns
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