Original Article: https://www.responsiveclassroom.org/article/keep-learning-going-during-holiday-vacation-times
Adapted from Responsive blog posts
by Mike Anderson and Margaret Wilson
Responsive Classroom Newsletter:
November 2010
Suddenly, it seems like the class
Original Article: https://www.responsiveclassroom.org/blog/comfortable-way-work
I remember one third grader who really struggled with sitting still. If I’d required him to sit while he worked, it would have been really hard for him to get anything done. This child needed to move to
Original Article: https://www.responsiveclassroom.org/blog/make-learning-moving-experience
So you want to reduce the amount of time that your students are required to sit and to give them more chances to move. Could you build more movement into your lessons?
Here’s one idea. Let’s say you’ve
What are strategies for helping students be more physically active during the day, and how do we keep control of the group if they’re sitting less and moving more?
Try having lessons take place in one area of the room,
Original Article: https://www.responsiveclassroom.org/blog/lecture-less
So we know students need to sit still to accomplish some school tasks, but we don’t want to keep them sitting for too long. How can we minimize the amount of time we require children to sit still?
“My students have such a hard time sitting still! They call out all the time! They’re constantly out of their seats!” After hearing this refrain over and over again from teachers, I decided to do a
Original Article: https://wonderofchildren.wordpress.com/2010/10/01/a-well-balanced-read/
# Previous blogs this summer focused on ways to keep life in balance with Lessons from a Yogi and Securing Your Oxygen Mask Before Helping Others. I certainly don’t have all the answers but I do know that
Archived webinar: The Well-Balanced Teacher, ASCD, September 29, 2010
This interview appeared on the Responsive Classroom blog in September, 2010.
Questions for Mike Anderson, author of three books in the What Every Teacher Needs to Know series, including What Every 4th Grade Teacher Needs
Original Article: https://www.responsiveclassroom.org/blog/fall-testing-tips
It’s fall! For many of us that means cooler temperatures, crisp leaves on the playground, thoughts of pumpkins and frost, and . . . testing. Yes, the beginning of the school year has become standardized testing time for
Original Press Release Link: http://www.ascd.org/news-media/Press-Room/News-Releases/New-ASCD-Book-Helps-Stressed-Out-Educators.aspx
Alexandria, VA (09/22/10)—Combating teacher burnout can seem like an endless battle, but author Mike Anderson outlines practical steps for teachers to take ownership of their physical, mental, and emotional wellness in his new ASCD book,
Original Article: https://www.responsiveclassroom.org/blog/every-teacher-tips-displaying-student-work
In any classroom, displays should consist primarily of the children’s work, rather than teacher-made or store-bought pieces, no matter how beautiful those pieces might be. Displaying student work sends several important messages: As teachers, we value what students
Original Interview Link: http://www.wholechildeducation.org/assets/content/mx-newsletters/43350.html
How is it that some educators are able to address the health and safety of their students; remain supportive; engage and challenge each student; and then head home at the end of the day with enough
The school year is about to start! It’s an exciting time of year, but it’s also pretty hectic. There’s the physical space to set up, lessons and units to prepare, students and families to get to know, and meetings to
Original Article: https://www.responsiveclassroom.org/article/classroom-connections
In my first couple of years teaching fourth grade, I was surprised by how much my students argued about who owned which supplies. “Nicole, can I borrow your black marker?” Carradine would ask. “No. My mom bought these
With new technologies arriving on the scene constantly, it can be hard for teachers to keep up. Which devices will improve the learning environment in your classroom? Which will gather dust? Here are some basic guidelines to help you decide
Original Article: https://www.responsiveclassroom.org/blog/every-teacher-tips-parents-and-other-volunteers-classroom
Inviting parents and other adult family members into the classroom gives them a chance to experience some of their child’s school life. It can also be a way for you to get some help with clerical work (photocopying,
Original Article: https://www.responsiveclassroom.org/blog/every-teacher-tips-community-supplies
Just like adults, children of all ages need sufficient quantities of good-quality supplies if they’re going to do their best work.
At the start of the year, teachers (or schools) often give out lists of supplies for each
I wrote last week about things you can do to ease classroom stress during testing and other high-anxiety times. Here are three more tips for keeping the atmosphere of your classroom calm and productive!
Have a
It’s spring, and end-of-the-year-testing looms. The children are stressed. You’re stressed. You need to ease the tension—but how?
Well, you’re not alone! When we asked Responsive Classroom fans on Facebook if they’d like to read about
Original Article: https://www.responsiveclassroom.org/article/behavior-challenges-homestretch
It’s April. It’s tempting to think that by now students understand our expectations and know how to behave, so we can all just coast to the end of the year. But, in most classrooms, that’s probably not true.
Original Article: http://www.responsiveclassroom.org/blog/handling-holidays-morning-meeting-message
Tips on using Morning Meeting Messages and the last part of Morning Meeting, reading the message together, to set a positive tone during the build-up to winter holidays and vacation.
Winter themes. As with sharing, you might include
Original Article: http://www.responsiveclassroom.org/blog/handling-holidays-morning-meeting-group-activity
Tips on using Morning Meeting group activity, to set a positive tone during the build-up to winter holidays and vacation.
Consider levels of movement and activity.
How does your class respond (especially right now) to activities that get
Original Article: http://www.responsiveclassroom.org/blog/handling-holidays-morning-meeting-sharing
Tips on using Morning Meeting sharing to set a positive tone during the build-up to winter holidays and vacation.
Themed shares. This is a great time of year to have some themed shares. For instance, you might ask
Original Article: http://www.responsiveclassroom.org/blog/handling-holidays-morning-meeting-greeting
Tips on using the greeting component ofMorning Meeting to set a positive tone during the build-up to winter holidays and vacation.
Observe your students as they enter the room before settling on a greeting.
Are they bouncing and